
21 Dec 2010

Halal restaurants/shops in Swansea

1. Exotica - St Helens Rd (shop)
2. Amman foods - St Helens Rd (shop)
3. Miahs - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
4. Anarkali - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
5. Oasis - St Helens Rd (take away)
6.Bangla Fried Chicken - St Helens Road (restaurant)
7. Majic Lamp - St Helens Road (restaurant)
8. Pizza Melano - Eversely Road (take away)
9. Naz - Mansel Street (take away)
10. Athina Tak Away - Con Way (take away)
11. Nice and Spice - Townhill Road
 12   KAVA LOUNGE in the marina - Halal Panini’s
these places are just a few halal places in swansea,i was able to find these in no time,no doubt there are many more to be found
im now on the hunt for non halal places that are strict and totally against cruel slaughter and evilness,i wonder if i'll be able to find these as quickly,i will report my findings soon.
i am not a racist person and anyone who knows me will tell you im not,but the more i read ,hear,see about these immigrants in our country the more intolerant im becoming of them.
where i live there are many of them on my street infact theres not many "white" people left on the street now,on one side i have neighbours from iran ,other side then i have neighbours from iraq or somewhere who dont like the other families at all and to be quite honest ,it can be quite scary when they confront eachother on the street and amongst the shouting and fighting they look at me like they wanna kill me.
im not being funny butits MY bloody country !!if they dont like it here and dont like their neighbours,fuck off back home then !!
my partner goes out rabbiting with the ferret catching rabbits,the look of disgust on their faces when he walked up the path with a rabbit he caught ,was a picture i shoud have took,one of them said "how did you get that?"my partner explained the technique of ferreting briefly,and the guy looked at the rabbit like it was filth,yet they can treat animals the way they do like its a good thing to do,bloody sickens me it do,so i say again ....why live here if you dont like it here?why do they make us turn against them?anyway gonna put the rabbit in the oven now,non halal and fresh.....and real welsh :) 


  1. I'm no immigrant, but Kosher, Halal and the way christians are SUPPOSED to slaughter meat (according to Deuteronomy) are in fact the most humane ways to slaughter them.

    Start educating yourself.

    Professor Wilhelm Schulze and his colleague Dr. Hazim at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study: 'Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional and Ritual Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves' concludes that Jewish and Islamic slaughtering is the most humane method of slaughter and that captive bolt stunning, practiced in the West, causes severe pain to the animal.
    Other studies:
    Corcoran, Leila Cattle stun gun may heighten mad cow risk Reuters news

    ECU Slaughter of ruminants-use of pneumatic stunning with air inject
    The European Commission 17/02/1998

    Effectively it LOOKS unhumane, but its more humane than the way you'd stun it normally.

    You aren't a racist, and you'd clearly be a stupid one even if you were. It is an AGEING society, and these immigrants provide us with a good workforce so the taxes they pay go for the welfare of the single mothers in our families, and kids who sit back and wait for job allowance.

    A true supremacist would be in favour of them. They generate our cash.

    Stop worrying yourself about petty things like other people's food and religion when it doesn't affect you. Start writing proper sentences, research your material, go to school, then think of writing anything related to economics or politics.

    Ps. Have you not seen our drunkard white friends and family on the street screaming like they ARE going to hurt you? Least the immigrants make it to work whilst we are allowed to have our hangovers.

  2. thank you so much for your comment anonymous however i disagree with i quoteStop worrying yourself about petty things like other people's food and religion when it doesn't affect you"
    as it clearly affects me being fed halal food when im not told im eating it,i refer to other posts in blog(feel free to look and read)
    again i thank you for your comments,all adds to the education you say i need .

  3. You say you are not racist but your post sounds racist to me!! Ignorance is bliss!!

  4. "i am not racist" really most of things you said show opposite mate not all muslims or what you call immigrants are bad there are bad white people as there are foreign

  5. LOL at ”not all Muslims or what you call immigrants” that's classic. What is wrong with halal food exactly? You do know slaughtering an animal the halal way is the most painless way for an animal to be slaughtered. Oh and the first comment is so true but you clearly don't want to accept the truth.

  6. halal food when some asian guy rub is balls over your doner kebab

  7. If you don't like halal food don't have it. Ask before you buy, it isn't like someone is shoving it down your throat. As to the fact of foreign people being in his country,thats maybe because of the fact this country took all the wealth from their country. Give all the things the took from those countries and most likely they will go back to their country. Ignorant people. If you say you ain't racist and still say these things, lord knows what you would have said if you was racist !

  8. well I have to thank you for this article as being a muslim I wanted to know where there were Hala restaurants in swansea and now I know! I am a muslim and proud to be one and you cannot tell me to "fuck off back to my own country" because I am Swansea born and bred and also as white as snow white so.....not all muslims are immigrants taking over Swansea......racist cow.

  9. OMG, what a stupid article. I'm looking for halal restaurants in Swansea so thanks for that :-)

    You are unfortunately a racist, the only forgiveable point is you come across as a bit of a stupid racist. So in essence your comments are fed from a mixture of ignorance and stupidity. Imagine some so called 'immigrant' tried to tell you everything that was right and wrong about with ferreting, making god knows how many stupid and blind assumptions. You would sigh with exasperation no doubt. Imagine how I am feeling. I'm an immigrant, I'm also a tax payer and a better product of this countries education system than you it seems. Live and let live my dear and have the brain cells and open mindedness to realise that there are NO such things as bad races and cultures, just bad individuals and bad practices. Don't disregard and shun what you do not understand. Actually do some proper research. But you would have to be a relatively bright person to get that concept. I hope you can prove me wrong, but I don't have much hope based on your article.

    Have a nice life :-)

  10. thanks i was looking for some halal places to eat at.

  11. well I was looking into Swansea for a Job at DVLA and looking for halal places.

    You kindly identified for me. Thanks
    PS most of your "not racist remarks" tell on you!
    need to think/research before you spout your verbal diarrhoea onto the web, you will get found out
    Its funny how you don't complain about Kosher as the halal and Kosher slaughter process are like 95% same. If have a problem with halal you have a problem with Kosher. Lets see you say an iota against the Jews

  12. Loool if i saw someone on the street with a dead rabbit in their hands i would not exactly embrace them with delight as to congratulate them about the raw carcass in their possession. And to be fair, when the valley boys come down on the weekends for a night out, their confrontations with randomers on the streets dwarf that of any race on race confrontation you can think of.

  13. why do they make us turn against them?

    LOOOOOOL do you not have your own mind?
