with the latest news to hit the papers about the poppy burning scum,it has actually got people questioning islam as a religion..
some people however still believe that islam is the religion of peace....strange as it may seem.
have you ever typed in the words "religion of peace" in google? try it and go straight to pictures,and see for yourself,theres no love ,jesus,doves and crosses,what you see is hatred ,murder,rape and total evil.how could anyone call that peace?i remember being young in school assembly listening to the teachings of the bible and how it even helped me through the tough times when i lost my mum to cancer at a very young age,through all the hurt,i felt peace,i knew and understood peace. this people,is NOT peace. The koran is not a book based on love like our bible,muhammad was a man when he married his wife who was only a child.
Muhammad proposed marriage to Aisha when she was 6. He assumed her silence constituted her consent. Some 2 to 3 years later, just after he had fled to Medina, he consummated his marriage with her. He was 52 and she was 9. This occurred prior to Aisha’s first menses(period) and by Islam’s legal definition Aisha was still considered a child. Islam teaches that a child enters adulthood at the beginning of puberty. (This is scientifically inaccurate, the onset of puberty does not equal adulthood .
The bottom line is Muhammad, the creator of Islam, revered by his followers, had sex with a child! Worse, Muhammad's action and teachings on marriage established an Islamic precedent and Islamic law allows female children to be married off and engaged in sex provided they are able to handle a man’s penis (Quran 65:4). As will be shown, this leads to physical, and psychological, damage to the child and ohh my god i cant bare the thought...
Now as the years have gone by and i watch my grandchildren grow up,i read in disgust at the papers and books to learn of our traditions being stripped away to allow this "religion of peace" pollute their little minds with such evil and do it in such a way that people actually feel sorry for them and class anyone who speaks out about it as a racsist.christmas will no longer be "christ -mas" because the word "christ" is not to their liking,"winterville" it will be called,easter cards that have jesus or some other christian type image on them they find offensive...though bunnys seem to be ok,come on for god's sake,easter is about Jesus !!! a catholic school in my town has a couple of muslim children in it(why i'll never understand)theyve only taken down the virgin mary statue because the parents of the children put a complaint in to say their children wernt being made to feel welcome and found it intimidating ,come on be real init !when i was young there was a little jewish lad in my class whom im still friends with years later,and because he didnt believe in out christian beliefs and didnt want to sit and listen to the bible readings and hymns,he was more than happy to sit outside in the yard and play whilst waiting for it to end,bless him.
Now though in some schools they have alternative mornings,where the bible is read one day ,and the koran the next,and as a grandmother ,the thought of my precious grandchildren listening to the same book that a pedophile taught and preached from makes me f*cking sick,but dare say anything about it to protect your loved ones and thats it...youre a racsist !
well all i can say to you people is,i hope you will soon open your eyes to whats going on,and what youre actually allowing to happen to your childrens and grandchildrens future,families before you fought to keep our country ours,died with sweat and tears so you could just hand it over on a plate,because you were too scared to be branded a racist,yet have the gall to call the likes of me narrrow minded.Id much rather be known as a narrow minded racist than a traitor to my country and all it stood for,i for one will be voting for the BNP and will continue to encourage others to do the same......we will never surrender .