
20 Mar 2011

swansea bnp leafleters on top form in birchgrove

swansea team nail it again today ,this time in birchgrove....its a fact,these guys are miles ahead of the opposition when it comes to leafleting and making sure if any one in the comunity wants more info on the party well theyre gonna get it !
unlike the "other" parties who have the "pleasure" of using the royal mail service to deliver their message,the BNP are denied of this privilage,but that doesnt affect the dedicated team of leafleters that swansea bnp has.
Today they took to the streets of birchgrove,spilt into two groups,the job was complete in no time,feeling fit after the walk and having worked up an appetite we were back home before our sunday dinner was cooked. next week we will be at...........yea right ,as if id tell you !if you want to get involved or find out how you can help in and around swansea,drop us a line or request to join our facebook group "swansea bnp"

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant - Swansea British National Party doing what they do best with style and fun :o)
