29 Dec 2010
24 Dec 2010
23 Dec 2010
swansea BNP v unwashed and filthy 2010
swansea bnp gaining lots of support while the attemps of the unwashed to spoil the day .....FAIL
the only way they can get people's attention is with a loud speaker ...ha !!and then that even ....FAILS !!
the only way they can get people's attention is with a loud speaker ...ha !!and then that even ....FAILS !!
22 Dec 2010
Muslim group launches poster hate campaign against festive period
'Christmas is evil': Muslim group launches poster campaign against festive period
Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil.
Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.
They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead.
Outrage: The poster that has appeared in the Tower Hamlets area hitting out at the festive period
The placards, which have already appeared in parts of London, feature an apparently festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree.
But under a banner announcing 'the evils of Christmas' it features a message mocking the song the 12 Days of Christmas.
It reads: 'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
'On the second day debt, on the third rape, the fourth teenage pregnancies and then there was abortion.'
According to the posters, Christmas is also to responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs.
Another offence of Christmas, it proclaims, is 'claiming God has a son'.
Condemnation: Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick
The campaign's organiser is 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, who once called for Sharia Law in Britain at a press conference held by hate preacher leader Anjem Choudary, the leader of militant group Islam4UK.
Former Home Secretary Alan Johnson banned Islam4UK group earlier this year, making it a criminal offence to be a member, after it threatened to protest at Wootton Bassett, the town where Britain honours its war dead.
Mr Rumaysah told the Mail that he was unconcerned about offending Christians.
He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it.
'But our main attack is on the fruits of Christmas, things like alcohol abuse and promiscuity that increase during Christmas and all the other evils these lead to such as abortion, domestic violence and crime.
'We hope that out campaign will make people realise that Islam is the only way to avoid this and convert.'
Mr Rumaysah, who said his campaign was not linked to any group, boasted that the posters would be put up in cities around the country, including London, Birmingham and Cardiff.
The campaign was highlighted by volunteers from a charity which distributes food and presents to pensioners and the lonely at Christmas.
Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said: 'The more posters I saw, the more angry I got.
'Someone is stirring hatred which leaves the road open to revenge attacks or petrol bombs through letter-boxes.
'I told the Mayor we are all scared.
'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts.
'The posters appear to be professionally printed'.
Poplar and Limehouse MP Mr Fitzpatrick said: 'These posters are extremely offensive and have upset a lot of people - that's why we jumped on it and asked the council to remove them.
'Sister Christine is rooted in the community and doesn't take offence lightly.
'But these hate posters really upset her. Christmas is close to her belief.'
A Met Police spokesman said they had received complaints and were investigating.
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman said the posters had 'upset and antagonised many residents'.
He added: 'The messages on these posters are offensive and do not reflect the views of the Council or the vast majority of residents.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340794/Muslim-group-launches-poster-hate-campaign-festive-period.html#ixzz18rtMzVQB
21 Dec 2010
Halal restaurants/shops in Swansea
1. Exotica - St Helens Rd (shop)
2. Amman foods - St Helens Rd (shop)
3. Miahs - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
4. Anarkali - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
5. Oasis - St Helens Rd (take away)
6.Bangla Fried Chicken - St Helens Road (restaurant)
7. Majic Lamp - St Helens Road (restaurant)
8. Pizza Melano - Eversely Road (take away)
9. Naz - Mansel Street (take away)
10. Athina Tak Away - Con Way (take away)
11. Nice and Spice - Townhill Road
12 KAVA LOUNGE in the marina - Halal Panini’s
these places are just a few halal places in swansea,i was able to find these in no time,no doubt there are many more to be found
im now on the hunt for non halal places that are strict and totally against cruel slaughter and evilness,i wonder if i'll be able to find these as quickly,i will report my findings soon.
i am not a racist person and anyone who knows me will tell you im not,but the more i read ,hear,see about these immigrants in our country the more intolerant im becoming of them.
where i live there are many of them on my street infact theres not many "white" people left on the street now,on one side i have neighbours from iran ,other side then i have neighbours from iraq or somewhere who dont like the other families at all and to be quite honest ,it can be quite scary when they confront eachother on the street and amongst the shouting and fighting they look at me like they wanna kill me.
im not being funny butits MY bloody country !!if they dont like it here and dont like their neighbours,fuck off back home then !!
my partner goes out rabbiting with the ferret catching rabbits,the look of disgust on their faces when he walked up the path with a rabbit he caught ,was a picture i shoud have took,one of them said "how did you get that?"my partner explained the technique of ferreting briefly,and the guy looked at the rabbit like it was filth,yet they can treat animals the way they do like its a good thing to do,bloody sickens me it do,so i say again ....why live here if you dont like it here?why do they make us turn against them?anyway gonna put the rabbit in the oven now,non halal and fresh.....and real welsh :)
2. Amman foods - St Helens Rd (shop)
3. Miahs - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
4. Anarkali - St Helens Rd (restaurant)
5. Oasis - St Helens Rd (take away)
6.Bangla Fried Chicken - St Helens Road (restaurant)
7. Majic Lamp - St Helens Road (restaurant)
8. Pizza Melano - Eversely Road (take away)
9. Naz - Mansel Street (take away)
10. Athina Tak Away - Con Way (take away)
11. Nice and Spice - Townhill Road
12 KAVA LOUNGE in the marina - Halal Panini’s
these places are just a few halal places in swansea,i was able to find these in no time,no doubt there are many more to be found
im now on the hunt for non halal places that are strict and totally against cruel slaughter and evilness,i wonder if i'll be able to find these as quickly,i will report my findings soon.
i am not a racist person and anyone who knows me will tell you im not,but the more i read ,hear,see about these immigrants in our country the more intolerant im becoming of them.
where i live there are many of them on my street infact theres not many "white" people left on the street now,on one side i have neighbours from iran ,other side then i have neighbours from iraq or somewhere who dont like the other families at all and to be quite honest ,it can be quite scary when they confront eachother on the street and amongst the shouting and fighting they look at me like they wanna kill me.
im not being funny butits MY bloody country !!if they dont like it here and dont like their neighbours,fuck off back home then !!
my partner goes out rabbiting with the ferret catching rabbits,the look of disgust on their faces when he walked up the path with a rabbit he caught ,was a picture i shoud have took,one of them said "how did you get that?"my partner explained the technique of ferreting briefly,and the guy looked at the rabbit like it was filth,yet they can treat animals the way they do like its a good thing to do,bloody sickens me it do,so i say again ....why live here if you dont like it here?why do they make us turn against them?anyway gonna put the rabbit in the oven now,non halal and fresh.....and real welsh :)
20 Dec 2010
an experiment shows the results of immigration
this video shows the effect of immigration in such a simple way,it makes you think why others cant see whats going on and happening to our country and people .......
19 Dec 2010
jihad is "holy war." Or, more precisely: It means the legal, compulsory, communal effort to expand the territories ruled by Muslims at the expense of territories ruled by non-Muslims.
The purpose of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature, with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire globe.
Jihad did have two variant meanings through the centuries, one more radical, one less so. The first holds that Muslims who interpret their faith differently are infidels and therefore legitimate targets of jihad. (This is why Algerians, Egyptians and Afghans have found themselves, like Americans and Israelis, so often the victims of jihadist aggression.) The second meaning, associated with mystics, rejects the legal definition of jihad as armed conflict and tells Muslims to withdraw from the worldly concerns to achieve spiritual depth.
Jihad in the sense of territorial expansion has always been a central aspect of Muslim life. That's how Muslims came to rule much of the Arabian Peninsula by the time of the Prophet Muhammad's death in 632. It's how, a century later, Muslims had conquered a region from Afghanistan to Spain. Subsequently, jihad spurred and justified Muslim conquests of such territories as India, Sudan, Anatolia, and the Balkans.
Today, jihad is the world's foremost source of terrorism, inspiring a worldwide campaign of violence by self-proclaimed jihadist groups:
Jihadists then enslaved tens of thousands of females and children, forced them to convert to Islam, sent them on forced marches, beat them and set them to hard labor. The women and older girls also suffered ritual gang-rape, genital mutilation and a life of sexual servitude.
Sudan's state-sponsored jihad has caused about 2 million deaths and the displacement of another 4 million - making it the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of our era.
anyway,the bottom line is,this jihad shit is now in our country,in our schools ,work place,its bloody everywhere,you can stop this by voting for BNP asap !!!
The purpose of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature, with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire globe.
Jihad did have two variant meanings through the centuries, one more radical, one less so. The first holds that Muslims who interpret their faith differently are infidels and therefore legitimate targets of jihad. (This is why Algerians, Egyptians and Afghans have found themselves, like Americans and Israelis, so often the victims of jihadist aggression.) The second meaning, associated with mystics, rejects the legal definition of jihad as armed conflict and tells Muslims to withdraw from the worldly concerns to achieve spiritual depth.
Jihad in the sense of territorial expansion has always been a central aspect of Muslim life. That's how Muslims came to rule much of the Arabian Peninsula by the time of the Prophet Muhammad's death in 632. It's how, a century later, Muslims had conquered a region from Afghanistan to Spain. Subsequently, jihad spurred and justified Muslim conquests of such territories as India, Sudan, Anatolia, and the Balkans.
Today, jihad is the world's foremost source of terrorism, inspiring a worldwide campaign of violence by self-proclaimed jihadist groups:
- The International Islamic Front for the Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders: Osama bin Laden's organization;
- Laskar Jihad: responsible for the murder of more than 10,000 Christians in Indonesia;
- Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami: a leading cause of violence in Kashmir;
- Palestinian Islamic Jihad: the most vicious anti-Israel terrorist group of them all;
- Egyptian Islamic Jihad: killed Anwar El-Sadat in 1981, many others since, and
- Yemeni Islamic Jihad: killed three American missionaries on Monday.
Jihadists then enslaved tens of thousands of females and children, forced them to convert to Islam, sent them on forced marches, beat them and set them to hard labor. The women and older girls also suffered ritual gang-rape, genital mutilation and a life of sexual servitude.
Sudan's state-sponsored jihad has caused about 2 million deaths and the displacement of another 4 million - making it the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of our era.
anyway,the bottom line is,this jihad shit is now in our country,in our schools ,work place,its bloody everywhere,you can stop this by voting for BNP asap !!!
UB40 drummer Jimmy Brown's daughter has launched the first halal beauty shop in Britain.
December 13, 2010 - London
UB40 drummer Jimmy Brown's daughter has launched the first halal beauty shop in Britain.
Rose sells cosmetics free from alcohol and pig fat in her new store.
"Obviously, there are a lot of Muslims who will be interested, but I think the products will work for anyone who is concerned about what they're putting on their bodies," the Daily Star quoted the 20-year-old as saying.
"The halal certification gives you peace of mind," said Rose.
She decided to set up the store in Birmingham after being shocked at the ingredients she found in conventional products
Read more: http://www.andhranews.net/Intl/2010/UB40-drummers-daughter-opens-first-halal-3591.htm#ixzz18ardROLY
December 13, 2010 - London
UB40 drummer Jimmy Brown's daughter has launched the first halal beauty shop in Britain.
Rose sells cosmetics free from alcohol and pig fat in her new store.
"Obviously, there are a lot of Muslims who will be interested, but I think the products will work for anyone who is concerned about what they're putting on their bodies," the Daily Star quoted the 20-year-old as saying.
"The halal certification gives you peace of mind," said Rose.
She decided to set up the store in Birmingham after being shocked at the ingredients she found in conventional products
Read more: http://www.andhranews.net/Intl/2010/UB40-drummers-daughter-opens-first-halal-3591.htm#ixzz18ardROLY
omg !! whats next !!
18 Dec 2010
And they expect me to believe it's a religion of peace
A mother has been arrested after a four year old girl was found stabbed to death with her heart and other organs cut out and strewn around her flat.
The 35-year-old woman was allegedly sitting in a her kitchen chanting verses of the Koran as her daughter's disembowelled corpse lay next to her.
The little girl's heart and other organs were found in different rooms around the flat in Clapton, east London.
The mother, who is understood to have two teenage children of 14 and 16, has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and is in a secure unit.
The gruesome scene was discovered by the girl's father when he arrived home to the flat on Thursday to find his partner clutching a kitchen knife.
The man, believed to be a Muslim convert, dialled 999 and paramedics pronounced the girl dead at the scene. Police said next of kin have been informed.
One neighbour, who lives in the downstairs flat and asked not to be named, said: 'I was feeding my daughter her lunch at about 3pm and suddenly heard horrific screaming. It is shocking and so upsetting.'
He said the couple have lived in the flat for about a year.
A post-mortem examination will take place on Saturday at Poplar mortuary in east London.
The Metropolitan Police's Child Abuse Investigation Command is leading the murder inquiry. They are not believed to be looking for anybody else.
Yesterday another shocked resident, a mum in her 30s, said the mother always wore a black headscarf with a veil.
She added: 'Usually you could only see her eyes.
'I often heard shouting coming from the flat as she and a man argued.
'Their quarrels would become very heated.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1339665/Mother-cuts-heart-daughter-4-listens-recording-Koran-ritual-killing.html#ixzz18VS1s8hh
The 35-year-old woman was allegedly sitting in a her kitchen chanting verses of the Koran as her daughter's disembowelled corpse lay next to her.
The little girl's heart and other organs were found in different rooms around the flat in Clapton, east London.
Police suspect she she carried out the killing as a religious offering as she listened to the Muslim holy book on an MP3 player at full volume.Crime scene: Shayna Bharuchi, 35, was allegedly sitting in a her kitchen chanting verses of the Koran as her daughter Nusayba's disembowelled corpse lay next to her.
The mother, who is understood to have two teenage children of 14 and 16, has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and is in a secure unit.
The gruesome scene was discovered by the girl's father when he arrived home to the flat on Thursday to find his partner clutching a kitchen knife.
The man, believed to be a Muslim convert, dialled 999 and paramedics pronounced the girl dead at the scene. Police said next of kin have been informed.
One neighbour, who lives in the downstairs flat and asked not to be named, said: 'I was feeding my daughter her lunch at about 3pm and suddenly heard horrific screaming. It is shocking and so upsetting.'
He said the couple have lived in the flat for about a year.
A post-mortem examination will take place on Saturday at Poplar mortuary in east London.
The Metropolitan Police's Child Abuse Investigation Command is leading the murder inquiry. They are not believed to be looking for anybody else.
Yesterday another shocked resident, a mum in her 30s, said the mother always wore a black headscarf with a veil.
She added: 'Usually you could only see her eyes.
'I often heard shouting coming from the flat as she and a man argued.
'Their quarrels would become very heated.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1339665/Mother-cuts-heart-daughter-4-listens-recording-Koran-ritual-killing.html#ixzz18VS1s8hh
17 Dec 2010
8 Dec 2010
BNP says NO to halal
British National Party Stoke-on-Trent councillor Michael Coleman has fired the opening round in the war against halal ritual slaughter in Britain with a motion due before his council on 9 December which, if passed, will ban that meat from being served in schools in the town.
“I have had numerous complaints from parents whose children are being fed this unfit meat and who are not being informed of how this meat is acquired,” Cllr Coleman told BNP News.
“Many of the schools which receive the meat are predominantly populated by British children, and so any claim that the authority is simply providing food for Muslim pupils is false.
“Anyway, it’s against the law to procure meat in this way and then sell on to non-Muslims, a point I will be making on the 9th December,” Cllr Coleman continued.
“I find it disgraceful that we have a law here that makes it a crime for you or I to slaughter an animal in this way but enables Muslims to kill in this inhumane way and it is legal.
“It is such legal paradox and duality that will ultimately expose this traitor regime – and will lead to the political awakening and uprising of the British people,” he said.
The exact wording of the motion due before the council is as follows:
“Notice of Motion – City Council 9th December 2010
Moved by Councillor M Coleman
Seconded by Councillor J Burgess
Animal Cruelty
This City Council condemns the cruelty suffered by animals slaughtered to provide halal meat products. Animal welfare organisations such as the Farm Animal Welfare Council, which is the independent advisory body to the government, have called for a ban on halal meat in Britain. Animals that are not stunned before slaughter suffer incredible pain before death and the current law that permits this barbaric method of slaughter should be changed.
The City Council is asked to note that halal meat products are served in 17 city schools to unsuspecting children and parents. Halal meat products are not labelled and children (or their parents) have no idea what they are eating or provided with an alternative. This is a disgraceful practice and children and their parents should be given information and choice about the products their children are served.
The City Council is asked to:
1. Write to the Secretary State for seeking a change in the law to minimise or prevent any further animal cruelty as a result of this barbaric method of slaughter.
2. Place an immediate ban on the use of all halal meat products in our schools, City Of Stoke-on-Trent Authority.”
According to information obtained by Cllr Coleman, the schools under the Stoke-on-Trent authority which provide halal meat to their pupils are as follows: Alexandra Junior School; Alexandra Infant School; Belgrave Primary School; Etruscan Primary School; Forest Park Primary School; John Baskeyfield Primary School; Mill Hill Primary School; St Marks Primary School; St Peters RC Primary School; Summerbank Primary School; Thomas Boughey Centre; Waterside Primary School; St Mary’s Tunstall; Birches Head High School; Brownhills High School; Haywood High School; and St Peters High School.
* Meanwhile, North West Tory Muslim MEP Sajjad Karim has run to the local media claiming that people are threatening him after he published an article on his website supporting halal slaughter and expressing his opposition to a proposed EU regulation which would force halal meat to be labelled as such.
Mr Karim, who has of course blamed the BNP for his latest woes, was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle earlier this month as saying he was ‘watching’ the BNP in Europe.
Approached by the media for comment over his latest allegations, BNP spokesman John Walker said that the “British National Party will continue to oppose halal slaughter and support the labelling of halal meat despite a hate campaign against the party launched by Mr Karim.
“Mr Karim, who put up a story on his own website outlining his support for Halal slaughter and his opposition to a new EU regulation which would force all food suppliers to label which meat had been ritually slaughtered,” said Mr Walker.
“On the basis of Mr Karim’s own website, the BNP carried a story pointing out his support for Halal slaughter. If Mr Karrim has angered animal lovers with his support for halal barbarism, it is on the basis of a story which he started on his own website and nowhere else.
“The BNP rejects with contempt all attempts by Mr Karrim to stir up trouble and slur our party,” Mr Walker said.
Related Articles
- Should ritual slaughter be banned? (newhumanist.org.uk)
- The truth behind ‘cruel’ Halal meat served up in schools and hospitals (dailymail.co.uk)
out and about with bnp in swansea
out n about with swansea BNP yesterday i have to say it was a great experience,after setting up the table about 11am,a steady flow of people come and took time to come and show their support for their soldiers,and signed the petition to bring home our troops from the illegal war.
the weather was really cold but many people were more than happy to stop by to sign and get some information from the table.some even shared their own stories on their loved ones who were away in the war,and how they believed it was wrong them being there and were very angry at the government.later on we were “greeted” by a bunch of misfits known as the UAF,who come with a loud speaker and some bongos chanting “get off our streets you nazi scum!” and the police and security were brought in to check it all out,we all stood our ground and acted in a proper manner while these animals continued to stir trouble,but this however didnt bother our supporters and they still continued to sign the petitions ,donate money and recieve information.eventually,i think the weather got the better of the UAF and knowing we wernt affected by their presence they eventually moved on with tails between their legs as we continued recieving support from the public for a few hours more.so ,i must say it was a great day in swansea with a result of BNP 1-0 UAF !!
the weather was really cold but many people were more than happy to stop by to sign and get some information from the table.some even shared their own stories on their loved ones who were away in the war,and how they believed it was wrong them being there and were very angry at the government.later on we were “greeted” by a bunch of misfits known as the UAF,who come with a loud speaker and some bongos chanting “get off our streets you nazi scum!” and the police and security were brought in to check it all out,we all stood our ground and acted in a proper manner while these animals continued to stir trouble,but this however didnt bother our supporters and they still continued to sign the petitions ,donate money and recieve information.eventually,i think the weather got the better of the UAF and knowing we wernt affected by their presence they eventually moved on with tails between their legs as we continued recieving support from the public for a few hours more.so ,i must say it was a great day in swansea with a result of BNP 1-0 UAF !!
TruthTube. tv 18+ Muslim 12yr Old BUTCHERS Hostage. TruthTube.Tv
TruthTube. tv 18+ Muslim 12yr Old BUTCHERS Hostage. TruthTube.Tv
via TruthTube. tv 18+ Muslim 12yr Old BUTCHERS Hostage. TruthTube.Tv.
Embed: Post video on your website or blog.
via TruthTube. tv 18+ Muslim 12yr Old BUTCHERS Hostage. TruthTube.Tv.
halal being sold to us ,without telling us
Britain’s biggest supermarket chains are selling halal lamb and chicken without telling unsuspecting shoppers.
Those stocking meat slaughtered according to Islamic law include Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op.
And a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without telling customers.
But the UK’s second-biggest supermarket, Asda, has refused to confirm or deny whether it sells halal meat.
The Mail on Sunday contacted Asda on Tuesday, but by yesterday it had failed to answer any of our questions.
Initially, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were reluctant to admit they sold halal meat. But later they confessed to selling Islamically slaughtered lamb. Tesco also admitted selling some halal chicken without labelling it as such.
Most lamb imported from New Zealand by British supermarkets has been slaughtered according to Muslim law, but this is not mentioned on packaging. Some lamb from British abattoirs is also halal.
Last night, Agriculture Minister Jim Paice said: ‘People should know what they’re buying in the shops or when they’re eating out and I will be discussing with the food industry the role labelling can play in giving consumers a choice.’
The supermarkets and fast-food outlets said they did not feel the need to tell customers that meat is halal because the slaughter conformed to Western standards, with animals stunned before being killed.
But the RSPCA has raised concerns about the way chicken is killed in Islamic abattoirs because the birds are stunned with a weaker electric current, which does not guarantee unconsciousness during slaughter
Those stocking meat slaughtered according to Islamic law include Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op.
And a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without telling customers.
But the UK’s second-biggest supermarket, Asda, has refused to confirm or deny whether it sells halal meat.
The Mail on Sunday contacted Asda on Tuesday, but by yesterday it had failed to answer any of our questions.
Initially, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were reluctant to admit they sold halal meat. But later they confessed to selling Islamically slaughtered lamb. Tesco also admitted selling some halal chicken without labelling it as such.
Most lamb imported from New Zealand by British supermarkets has been slaughtered according to Muslim law, but this is not mentioned on packaging. Some lamb from British abattoirs is also halal.
Last night, Agriculture Minister Jim Paice said: ‘People should know what they’re buying in the shops or when they’re eating out and I will be discussing with the food industry the role labelling can play in giving consumers a choice.’
The supermarkets and fast-food outlets said they did not feel the need to tell customers that meat is halal because the slaughter conformed to Western standards, with animals stunned before being killed.
But the RSPCA has raised concerns about the way chicken is killed in Islamic abattoirs because the birds are stunned with a weaker electric current, which does not guarantee unconsciousness during slaughter
british people a minorty in 50 years
British people…a minorty in britain in 50 years
Official population figures have confirmed that the British National Party is right: given current demographic trends, the British people are going to become a minority in their own country within the next 50 years.
The prediction, contained in an article in the latest issue of Prospect magazine, was made by Oxford demography Professor David Coleman.
He analysed figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to show that at current immigration levels, the proportion of the white British-born population will fall from 80 per cent to 59 per cent by 2051.
“On those assumptions the ‘white British’ population would decline to 45 million by 2051,” Professor Coleman wrote.
“Were the assumptions to hold, the ‘white British’ population of Britain would become the minority after about 2066.”
Importantly, he added that this was a “milestone that would be passed much earlier in younger age groups.”
Professor Coleman also said that even if net immigration was reduced to 80,000 a year, white Britons would still be outnumbered by 2080.
This mirrors precisely what the British National Party has been saying all along: that mass Third World immigration, combined with dramatically higher immigrant birth rates, will see British people ethnically cleansed from the land that their forefathers have inhabited for the last 40,000 years
The BNP warned earlier that white British school pupils are set to become a minority by the year 2021, only 11 years away.
That analysis, conducted on government statistics, showed that ethnic “minorities” accounted for 22 percent of pupils at primary school, an increase of 2 percent from the previous year.
The 2 percent per year increase in ethnic “minority” pupils was replicated at secondary level schools, which in 2006 rose to 17.7 percent. Discounting increased immigration and using a straight 2 percent growth rate per year, the 2006 figures mean that this year (2010) some 32 percent of all primary school pupils are of ethnic “minority” origin.
Using the same calculation of a 2 percent growth rate, the 2006 figures mean that the 2010 secondary school ethnic “minority” pupil rate is now 27 percent. Given this growth rate, white British children will become an absolute minority in British schools by the year 2021, when the “ethnic “minority” levels will reach over 50 percent.
The BNP has also consistently warned that by the year 2030, the majority of live births in England and Wales will be to non-British immigrant stock.
The conclusions by Professor Coleman now give official establishment confirmation to the BNP predictions — and they also make a mockery of the “immigration cap” announcement by the government’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC).
In a report issued today, the MAC said that immigration levels needed to be cut by up to 25 percent if the government was to achieve its goal of “bringing immigration down to “tens of thousands” per year by 2015.
The immigration cap nonsense has been proven to be a hoax over and over again, with a House of Commons report showing that even if fully implemented, it would affect only 20 percent of overall gross immigration.
According to the MAC proposal, which is likely to become government policy, the number of visas for skilled workers with job offers and highly skilled workers should drop to between 37,400 and 43,700 for 2011/12.
This figure does not include the 40,000 Indian IT workers which the government has already agreed to take each year in terms of the secretly negotiated EU/India free trade deal.
These figures show that even if the MAC policy is implemented, it will make little difference to the end result: British people are still on track to be marginalised, out bred and finally ethnically cleansed in their own country.
The only way that this disaster can be avoided is for the British people to stand up before it is too late, and demand the right to be British in Britain.
This will entail halting and reversing the immigration invasion which stands poised to utterly and irrevocably wipe our nation from the map of history. The British National Party truly represents our nation’s last hope.
Will you play your part?
Proven correct recommended reading:
The Immigration Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World and What Must be Done to Stop It
By Arthur Kemp. A shocking book detailing the full extent of the Third World immigration wave which is swamping the Western World.
Using the latest numbers and projections, it explains why Third World immigration will destroy the First World, with individual chapters on Britain, Europe, Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
It shows that, if left unchecked, the First World will be overrun within the next 50 years.
Click here to order online or call 0871 0500 242 office hours.
copied with no unlawful intent,but copied to share so that people may know the truth ,
do the right thing people and vote BNP in the next election !!!
The prediction, contained in an article in the latest issue of Prospect magazine, was made by Oxford demography Professor David Coleman.
He analysed figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to show that at current immigration levels, the proportion of the white British-born population will fall from 80 per cent to 59 per cent by 2051.
“On those assumptions the ‘white British’ population would decline to 45 million by 2051,” Professor Coleman wrote.
“Were the assumptions to hold, the ‘white British’ population of Britain would become the minority after about 2066.”
Importantly, he added that this was a “milestone that would be passed much earlier in younger age groups.”
Professor Coleman also said that even if net immigration was reduced to 80,000 a year, white Britons would still be outnumbered by 2080.
This mirrors precisely what the British National Party has been saying all along: that mass Third World immigration, combined with dramatically higher immigrant birth rates, will see British people ethnically cleansed from the land that their forefathers have inhabited for the last 40,000 years
The BNP warned earlier that white British school pupils are set to become a minority by the year 2021, only 11 years away.
That analysis, conducted on government statistics, showed that ethnic “minorities” accounted for 22 percent of pupils at primary school, an increase of 2 percent from the previous year.
The 2 percent per year increase in ethnic “minority” pupils was replicated at secondary level schools, which in 2006 rose to 17.7 percent. Discounting increased immigration and using a straight 2 percent growth rate per year, the 2006 figures mean that this year (2010) some 32 percent of all primary school pupils are of ethnic “minority” origin.
Using the same calculation of a 2 percent growth rate, the 2006 figures mean that the 2010 secondary school ethnic “minority” pupil rate is now 27 percent. Given this growth rate, white British children will become an absolute minority in British schools by the year 2021, when the “ethnic “minority” levels will reach over 50 percent.
The BNP has also consistently warned that by the year 2030, the majority of live births in England and Wales will be to non-British immigrant stock.
The conclusions by Professor Coleman now give official establishment confirmation to the BNP predictions — and they also make a mockery of the “immigration cap” announcement by the government’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC).
In a report issued today, the MAC said that immigration levels needed to be cut by up to 25 percent if the government was to achieve its goal of “bringing immigration down to “tens of thousands” per year by 2015.
The immigration cap nonsense has been proven to be a hoax over and over again, with a House of Commons report showing that even if fully implemented, it would affect only 20 percent of overall gross immigration.
According to the MAC proposal, which is likely to become government policy, the number of visas for skilled workers with job offers and highly skilled workers should drop to between 37,400 and 43,700 for 2011/12.
This figure does not include the 40,000 Indian IT workers which the government has already agreed to take each year in terms of the secretly negotiated EU/India free trade deal.
These figures show that even if the MAC policy is implemented, it will make little difference to the end result: British people are still on track to be marginalised, out bred and finally ethnically cleansed in their own country.
The only way that this disaster can be avoided is for the British people to stand up before it is too late, and demand the right to be British in Britain.
This will entail halting and reversing the immigration invasion which stands poised to utterly and irrevocably wipe our nation from the map of history. The British National Party truly represents our nation’s last hope.
Will you play your part?
Proven correct recommended reading:
The Immigration Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World and What Must be Done to Stop It
By Arthur Kemp. A shocking book detailing the full extent of the Third World immigration wave which is swamping the Western World.
Using the latest numbers and projections, it explains why Third World immigration will destroy the First World, with individual chapters on Britain, Europe, Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
It shows that, if left unchecked, the First World will be overrun within the next 50 years.
Click here to order online or call 0871 0500 242 office hours.
copied with no unlawful intent,but copied to share so that people may know the truth ,
do the right thing people and vote BNP in the next election !!!
Related Articles
- White Britons a minority by ’66 (thesun.co.uk)
- White Britons ‘could be minority by 2066′ (independent.co.uk)
3 Dec 2010
i dont eat halal ~ohh yes you do !
Britain’s biggest supermarket chains are selling halal lamb and chicken without telling unsuspecting shoppers.
Those stocking meat slaughtered according to Islamic law include Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op.
And a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without telling customers.
But the UK’s second-biggest supermarket, Asda, has refused to confirm or deny whether it sells halal meat.
The Mail on Sunday contacted Asda on Tuesday, but by yesterday it had failed to answer any of our questions.
Initially, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were reluctant to admit they sold halal meat. But later they confessed to selling Islamically slaughtered lamb. Tesco also admitted selling some halal chicken without labelling it as such.
Most lamb imported from New Zealand by British supermarkets has been slaughtered according to Muslim law, but this is not mentioned on packaging. Some lamb from British abattoirs is also halal.
Last night, Agriculture Minister Jim Paice said: ‘People should know what they’re buying in the shops or when they’re eating out and I will be discussing with the food industry the role labelling can play in giving consumers a choice.’
The supermarkets and fast-food outlets said they did not feel the need to tell customers that meat is halal because the slaughter conformed to Western standards, with animals stunned before being killed.
But the RSPCA has raised concerns about the way chicken is killed in Islamic abattoirs because the birds are stunned with a weaker electric current, which does not guarantee unconsciousness during slaughter.
Those stocking meat slaughtered according to Islamic law include Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op.
And a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without telling customers.
But the UK’s second-biggest supermarket, Asda, has refused to confirm or deny whether it sells halal meat.
The Mail on Sunday contacted Asda on Tuesday, but by yesterday it had failed to answer any of our questions.
Initially, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were reluctant to admit they sold halal meat. But later they confessed to selling Islamically slaughtered lamb. Tesco also admitted selling some halal chicken without labelling it as such.
Most lamb imported from New Zealand by British supermarkets has been slaughtered according to Muslim law, but this is not mentioned on packaging. Some lamb from British abattoirs is also halal.
Last night, Agriculture Minister Jim Paice said: ‘People should know what they’re buying in the shops or when they’re eating out and I will be discussing with the food industry the role labelling can play in giving consumers a choice.’
The supermarkets and fast-food outlets said they did not feel the need to tell customers that meat is halal because the slaughter conformed to Western standards, with animals stunned before being killed.
But the RSPCA has raised concerns about the way chicken is killed in Islamic abattoirs because the birds are stunned with a weaker electric current, which does not guarantee unconsciousness during slaughter.
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